In a bid to reduce maternal and child morality rate and also better health services in at community level, government has built 483 new health centre 111s
During the opening of the 4th annual national safe motherhood conference the minister of health Dr Ruth Acheng said with a removable archivement of a 44% reduction of maternal morality for the past 10 years, government is very committed to ensure the vise of maternl morality is wiped out in the country.
The minister said that on top of the 483 built health centre 111s 488 more are in the pipe line to ensure a 2km closure of health services to the people in the communities.
She noted that government is working on ensuring well trained and skilled health workers including nurses and midwives and also strengthening community health medication.
The Permanent secretary ministry of health Dr Diana Atwine said that to ensure safe motherhood communities need to be integrated and ensuring gender roles to ensure by engaging men.
Gift Malunga the UNFPA representative has commended government of Uganda for its great work in reducing maternal morality she however said there is a big challenge of teenage pregnancy and GEnder based violence.
She then called for collective community sensitization and health worker empowerment